Telehealth Therapy
Online services from the comfort of your own home
Online services from the comfort of your own home
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is the use of technology to remotely provide clinical services, which includes a range of options such as using a landline telephone, cell phone, and internet, as well as text, email, and interactive video-conferencing. Telehealth involves a health care provider’s medical care delivered to clients physically located at sites other than where the provider is located.
In order to participate, you will need access to the Internet and a computer, tablet or phone with a camera and microphone, and headphones/earbuds.
1. You will need access to specific technological services and tools in order to engage in telehealth
2. Telehealth services will be provided synchronistically via phone/tablet/computer through a secure HIPAA-compliant online program
3. Telehealth has both benefits and risks, which will be regularly assessed during services
4. It is possible that telehealth will be assessed to NOT be a good fit for you and your treatment
5. Telehealth services are not appropriate for clients with high service needs/personal safety issues
6. You will need to participate in creating an appropriate and private space for your sessions, as well as plans for technology failure, crisis, and medical emergencies
7. You will be required to designate an emergency contact person
8. Your provider adheres to security best practices and legal standards in order to protect your health care information, but you will also need to participate in maintaining your own privacy